5 Ways For Empaths To See Their Gift As A Blessing, Not A Curse

Life can sometimes be tough for an empath. Being ultra sensitive to the energies and feelings of everyone around you can at times, take quite a toll. I often hear other empaths commiserating with each other about the difficulties they face due to their special abilities.
It certainly gets tiring after so many phone calls in the middle of the night from friends, always being the shoulder to cry on, slipping in and out of other people’s “shoes” so that you can help and understand them. While it’s nice to be needed and to be special in some way, sometimes you get to wondering, “Who will ever walk in my MY shoes for a while?”. We often find ourselves exhausted.
Yes, life as an empath isn’t always easy, but there are also so many good reasons to practice gratitude and rejoice for your gift. We all have our burdens to bear, but this doesn’t have to be one of them. Here are 5 ways you can learn to see your unique talents as an empath for what they truly are, blessings.

1. Meditate.

Meditation can be extremely beneficial physically and mentally for almost anyone, it has the ability to decrease anxiety, bolster immunity, improve cognitive skills, lower blood pressure, as well at least 100 other pleasing effects.
For someone who is an empath, it’s a life saver. Don’t worry if you’ve never tried it before or feel like you aren’t “good” at meditating, everyone has to start somewhere. The more you practice, the easier it will become. You just need some quiet time to yourself in a comfortable place. Don’t try to focus your thoughts in any way, envision your consciousness floating in free space, unburdened by the worries and worldly injuries you so commonly have in mind. Release all of the negative or dark energy that you’ve picked up from others, you are only a conduit, not a permanent container.

2. Don’t isolate yourself.

When you’re an empath, spending time amongst crowds can be difficult. Emotions and energies come flying at you from every direction, and it’s a challenge that leaves us feeling drained.
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with spending some quality alone time, but be careful that you aren’t trying so hard to avoid the crowd you end up completely isolated and lonesome. While it’s tough to feel for everyone in the room, it’s even tougher to try and deal with your own pain all by yourself.

3. Find your person(s).

This follows number 2 on a logical level. You shouldn’t isolate, but you don’t need to be out searching for 10 new friends at the club every weekend, either. It’s important that you find your tribe, your people who really understand who you are and what you need from them as companions.
Most people have just a couple of friends like this, and that’s okay. This is all about quality, not quantity. Empaths spend the majority of their time listening, soaking up all of the troubles their friends have to offer, but we also need someone at some point who can do the same for us.

4. Know your limits.

Empaths are known for their compassion, their understanding and their patience for others. We innately want to help and so we are prone to self-sacrifice in a lot of ways that can sometimes be unhealthy. You need to know how to recognize the signs of weariness when you’re reaching your limit on emotional stress.
Connecting and feeling for people as strongly as you do really takes a lot out of a person, no matter how courageous or dependable they may be. Allow yourself to be human and listen to your heart when you start to feel overwhelmed. Take a step back and center yourself before trying to help everybody around you.

5. Channel your gift.

Not all empaths are similar people. We all have different passions and interests, varying hobbies and tastes in life.
One thing we have in common with each other though is our rare and special attunement to the hurt and needs of others. This doesn’t have to be something that weighs down on us every minute of the day. Look for a career or work in which you can apply your talent and excel. Use your gift to do good and contribute to society in your singular way. Jobs in healthcare, early education or counseling are always in demand and desperately in need of empathic people.
This allows you to exercise your inner empath in the healthiest and most universally beneficial way. You can also be proud of the work you’re doing. Being an empath can make you a powerful force of light in this dark world. Your life may not always be easy, but it can be extraordinary.

5 Ways For Empaths To See Their Gift As A Blessing, Not A Curse 5 Ways For Empaths To See Their Gift As A Blessing, Not A Curse Reviewed by TARIK on 6:44 AM Rating: 5

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